- Are the terms at 1.2.1 still in use?
- Are the documents referred to in 1.3 still useful?
- Update the contacts in 1.4
- Remove 5.1
- Possibly add some other 'solutions'
The grid index is using an internal map table to store the data is stored in the tile.
This was the approach taken for the POC, but the performance is going to be bad for geospatial search.
It i…
Change the name of the site from GeoData Mart to Geo Data Downloader or Spatial Data Downloader or Geospatial Data Downloader. Discuss internally.
ℹ️ Edit: This post has been updated to more accurately capture my original message's intent
One of the foundational steps in developing GeoZarr specifications should involve detailing its organizat…
KNIME has the concept of selection to propagate data point selection between views. The goal of this ticket is to support this mechanism also in the geospatial views.
Add remaining BDE files (mostly ones with geospatial data), to the DMS configuration. Test that it works fine.
I'm really glad to see the recent work in GeoPandas around performance and scalability (extension arrays, pygeos, dask, etc). I think that will have a huge impact on improving the Python GIS ecosystem…
- About: Create editing application of parking inventory
- Stakeholders: Parking Enforcement Management
- Resources:
Data Dictionary: g:\ATD\ATD_GIS\01_ADMIN\DATA_MANAGEMENT\Data_Migration_parking\…
Hello Blazegraph Team,
I want to add an ontology file of about 125MB into Blazegraph Workbench (Version 2.1.5_RC).
When I do so, the workbench tells me ERROR: Could not contact server and I see t…