I was writing an answer to a [question on Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/q/53804422/425458) when I noticed something strange: `lambdify` changes the value of the `sympy.physics.hydrogen.R_n…
See https://github.com/ajt60gaibb/FastGaussQuadrature.jl
The idea is to remove the QuantEcon dependency when possible (and when the underlying tests are passing).
The CUDA tests don't pass using CUDA 9 because the flags are not passed correctly to the tests. When I first wrote the cmake part for CUDA, I tried to hack the build system to pass the flags (see [her…
Hi Mikael,
I have started to implement my Rayleigh-Benard solver and wanted to play a bit with the Poisson and Biharmonic solvers first. To do so, I downloaded the scripts available in the `demo` f…
Currently, users have to normalize by (2n + 1) / 2 for Legendre coefficients and similarly by 1 / pi for Zernikes. If we're going to do this, then I think we should also remove the Zernike code that m…
I was very glad to find this repo with some recent commits, after I noticed that `brew install orpie` was broken and http://pessimization.com/software/orpie seemed to be offline. I use orpie almost ev…
Hi Gilles,
The response_fytter.get_timecourses() function gives a value shape error when using the legendre polynomials basis set. I'm attaching a document with the code I've used for setting it up…
The example code imports the polynomial package as P:
>>> from numpy import polynomial as P
and then calls cheb2poly like this:
>>> P.cheb2poly(range(4))
array([ -2., -8., 4., 12.])
When polynomial.Chebyshev and polynomial.Legendre objects are converted to polynomial.Polynomial objects and evaluated, large errors can be introduced. For asymmetrical domains about zero (e.g. [0,1])…
Due to the legendre polynomials being generated for each value of latitude, grid evaluations of the AMPS model can be quite memory-intensive (see memory profile).