calculated for news of a given company. Ideally, to have a daily sentiment score for a given company for 10+ years.
Dear experts,
I am facing the following issue when updating the julia packages:
julia git:(master) ✗ ./julia
_ _ _(_)_ | Documentat…
I have been trying to get all the news article related to say money laundering using the **get_everything** method, but after a certain number of results have been accessed, it gives up this error.
Need to find an API we can use for finance / stock information
Description of the Issue and Steps to Reproduce:
Please include the values of all variables used.
Examples: Chrome 49 on OSX, Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 7, Node.JS 4.4.4 on …
If you look at the [docs](https://newsapi.org/) you'll find that you're missing a category in the url you're using
So your…
API Key: c0c9714034614fbb858a064d1129d23a
`from newsapi import NewsApiClient
newsapi = NewsApiClient(api_key='e6702efb133e48418f78ea26f4620e20')
top_headlines = newsapi.get_top_headlines(q='bitcoin',