Figure out and list the teachers one could try be in contact with. Aim is to find at least two who would be willing to run the pilot courses this year.
The ethics notes data is stored in the database field as xml and I am unsure whether we can work with this data once it's been handed over to the xls file.
An example for manuscript 3 (10.7554/eLife.…
Logininfo is updated after a local user login, but a functioning session is not created.
There was a similar problem in some pre-2.1.15 versions.
Termi Irrationaaliluku esiintyy desimaalilukujen yhteydessä, mutta selitys tulee vasta myöhemmin Reaaliluvut-kappaleessa.
Confluence 5.1 appears to have a dedicated 'mobile' theme.
I got confluence_http_authenticator configured and working OK (although with modmellon instead of mod_shib), but if you then visit it with an…
I applied for a 20 minute talk about docopt at PyCon UK, Ireland and Finland, hoping that I will be accepted at at-least one of them. To my surprise the talk was accepted at all of them.
- http://www…
Jostain syystä mielestäni aiemmin tehtävissäkin oikein näkynyt å ei piirry murtopotenssitehtäviin. Kokeilin vaihtaa merkinnäksi \aa, mutta sekään ei näyttänyt auttavan.
I am trying to plot a map of the whole galaxy in glon-glat coordinates. The image of the galaxy is fine, but when I try to overlay anything (grid, polygons, rectangles) on it, I get some surp…