### Posting rules
1. **Fill** the **Your System Configuration section (all of it!)** if you have some kind of error or performance question.
2. **No** questions about **training**. OpenPose only imp…
Sometimes I get access violation for this line:
`cv::Vec3f handPos = handAverager.addDataPoint(objects[handObjectIndex].getHand().fingers_xyz[0]);`
When I run the below code it gives me the CUDA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY
mona@Mona:~/code/handpose/handtracking$ python detect_multi_threaded.py
I tried to build this project using cmake spend much times.
I built "rv_utils" then build "handpose" project.
And then I got a *.sln visual studio projects.
But It isn't work.
To build this pro…
Thank you for sharing your code. I want to test your code before starting my similar project.
But I can't find the dataset at here :
| Required Info | |
| Camera Model | R200, F200 or SR300 |
| Firmware Version | |
| Operating System & Version | |
| Kernel Version (Linux Only) | |
| Build System | VS201…
Thanks for share your code, I have several for the "Fusion" projection.
I use one .oni file as input ,and put a red wristband as mark to get hand ROI, but when I convert the depth data(the depht val…
!HandPose directories are not found when they're in a jar.