Amazing resource for jython in Fiji:
Clean up the package structure of HIVE.
NOTE: since this is a major reorganization of the code, create an svn tag
first, and send a notice to the hive-dev list about what you're doing, in case
### 软件环境
- paddlepaddle: 2.5.1
- paddlepaddle-gpu: 2.5.1
- paddlenlp: 2.6.0
### 重复问题
- [X] I have searched the existing issues
### 错误描述
I am trying to train a model…
ARC 下 __weak 可避免循环引用,__block 不行。 __block 仅在 MRC 下可解决循环引用的问题,但是会有野指针的问题。
Basis sets by Rusakov and Rusakova
Se and Te are already included, published in https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jpca.9b05276
Sn in https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/mrc.5132
Conduct output checks against original paper as well as the vivax deterministc model developed by Nora
required for UKRI / MRC grant: OpenSAFELY, ISARIC, PHOSP: tracking consequences of COVID-19 infection across UK primary and secondary care.
waiting for collaboration agreement
Interested to see how parallelism was performed in code and ran the code through the Intel Inspector using the Intel Compiler. It seems a few things are highlighted as race conditions. Mainly in Set…