On azmet next steps (e.g. https://github.com/cct-datascience/azmet-qaqc/issues/53)
To get the app to automatically deploy to Posit Connect when code changes, @jeremylweiss will need to do the following:
- [x] Clone this repo
- [x] Run `renv::restore()` to install dependencies (i…
The CWD volume calculation is not working properly for NETN and MIDN. Need to make sure it's pulling in slopes from the initial visit.
Add hashing to dada2 QAQC pipeline, update taxonomic classification so that it creates and uses a hash/tax reference table.
Hi Ehsan, this is more of a question that could lead to a request for improvement. I can see the output window has a "Keep on top" pin, is there a way to access that via code? I've been through all th…
# Overview
A lot of work has already been put into importing, checking, and wrangling each of the F/U interview data tables in FM Pro. However, it seems like the data management for some data tables …
# Update version name
# PLUTO now uses version numbering YYvMAJOR.MINOR
1. YY for the last two digits of the release year
2. MAJOR version for using the latest versions of all input data
2. MINO…
All repos currently have their own code to import datasets. We'll need to
- check for any idiosyncracies, see if certain data products actually need special logic
- write common code in some sort o…
"Questions I have from review
- Is it right that only on record has a `job_status` value of `4. Partially Completed Construction`? This involves reviewing the `_MID_devdb` table to make sure that wh…