@dusty on discord would like to have it
| data b s d |
data := OrderedCollection new.
data add: (OrderedCollection with: 'Main Item' with: 2458135 with: 2459200).
data add: (OrderedCollecti…
Because we can use GT without Roassal.
Just wanted to report that when I add a legend to RTView, it works as expected when I ispect the view.
When I export it to HTML, it shows the node, but neither mouse clicking nor hovering bring up th…
" Dirty packages after Roassal2(#stable) installation
Pharo image: Pharo5.0#50761
Virtual machine used: CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.1630 uuid: 2ed025ea-f400-4440-8e8b-5aa46d06c9ab Jan 17 2016
Currently we can do:
b := RTMondrian new.
b nodes: (1 to: 1000).
b edges connectFrom: [ :v | v // 2 ].
b layout grid.
b build.
b view @ RTSelectableView.
b view
But it is pretty us…
When loading Cormas in Pharo 6.1, an exception is raised with the following message:
This package depends on the following classes:
You must resolve these dependencies before you wi…
From @bergel : Kendrick is provided as a plugin under Roassal but does not load with Moose 6.1
PDF Exporter try to add a class extension on RTMondrianViewBuilder, and the class has been recently removed
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 1109
I've been experiencing weird behavior with pixel rendering...
basically one pixel lines will get blurred for some reason even though there is…