The first select in MachineswithoutlatestWindowsUpdateAgentVersion returns Windows 10 machines. ops.Version0, and LatestWUAVersion need to be treated like software versions instead of integers.
A …
Вот в этом приложении https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ligamedia.films, само видео проигрывается с помощью MX (в других плеерах у меня не проигрывается).
Актуально в режиме VPN, …
### Description of Issue/Question
This affects both py2 and py3
Installed Firefox 42.0, and used a state with pkg.latest to attempt to upgrade to the latest release.
state returns
### Description of Issue/Question
SInce upgrading to 2017.7.4 on Windows, any application that i install returns the "Unable to locate Package XXX"
(Please provide relevant configs and/or SLS file…
### Description of Issue/Question
The following are issues with the existing 2017.7 (assumed to be also in 2017.7.2)
"New Results" - refers to the latest 2016.11 #43708 branch (note this version o…
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Safari/602.1.50
I'm currently using the win_update module to manage updates on some Windows boxes: I set it up following the documentation for the [module](https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/modules/all/salt.mo…
### Description of Issue/Question
The win_wua module has some issues with the list function and the "install=True" option.
The error is:
` Passed invalid arguments to win_wua.list: 'int' objec…
So...... we upgraded the master to 2017.7 this week and deployed new versions of the salt-minion 2017.7 Py2-x86_64 to a few windows 7 machines and now unable to install patches. We can list them ou…
`win_wua.set_wu_settings` seems to work fine on Windows Server 2012R2, but on Windows Server 2016 it indicates success, but `win_wua.get_wu_settings` shows that it actually didn't work.
I tested on…