Hi, I can't load this SVG file into LazPaint, maybe because it has CSS inside?
lainz updated
5 years ago
There is an exception with TBGRABitmapEx bcbasectrls.pas, I can reproduce this sometimes in a form that uses a lot of BCButton.
lainz updated
5 years ago
Is there a license? Could you please add a license? Or this is not an open source app?
I have installed Lazarus V2.0.2, installed some packages, also the newest bgrabitmap. I'm trying to compile a project created with Lazarus v1.6.4 and I get the following error:
There are two units wi…
Hi, with trunk FPC I cant compile latest dev bgrabitmap due to an FPC internal error, tested on macOS, and if I remember correctly as well on Windows.
lainz updated
5 years ago
I encountered a problem using TDTAnalogClock
(I don't know if the component should be updated or it is a bug on library)
When I compile BGRAbitmap4nogui in Lazarus, I get following error in BGRABitmapTypes.pas line 1165
ResourceTypes: array[1..7] of TResourceType =
((ext: 'CUR'; code: RT_GROUP_CURSO…
add bgrabitmap demo rationalbezier to spin 24 without gui options
Do you have tutorials? I didn’t find any guides about it.
Following the instructions here:
I get a whole bunch of compile errors when trying to compile and run RXXPacker:
Checking proj…