[LifeX](https://lifex.gitlab.io) recently [published](https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.03303) their own version of the LDRB code and uploaded binaries to [zenodo](https://zenodo.org/record/5810269#.YeEjWi8w…
Error I am facing:
ERROR in /var/www/loris/modules/electrophysiology_browser/jsx/react-series-data-viewer/src/eeglab/EEGLabSeriesProvider.tsx
Hiii, I have been using the anaconda prompt and gui for histological alignment of Neuropixels 1.0 probes in brain slices. However, I am having troubles to open the gui, I keep receiving the same error…
I'm trying to use matnwb to read EEG-like signals from .nwb files in Brainstorm (https://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm).
One of our former collaborators used matnwb in early 2019 to import ECoG signa…
In the SynGO data, these evidence codes should be replaced so that they map up to IDA:
* ECO:0000164 electrophysiology assay evidence > should be changed to ECO:0006006 electrophysiology assay evid…
Regarding the comparison with MNE-Python, you wrote :
> mne-python is a much larger package designed as a full-featured analysis library for EEG and MEG data, and using the spectral analysis functi…
Where we refer to "`imaging` (microscopy)" I would change this to either:
* Allow any kind of imaging (inc fMRI, fUSI etc)
* Specify that it's in-vivo calcium/voltage imaging
It's a bit confusing…
Since 2a9e868 `datasets_electrophysiology.load_data` fails with HTTP 404 when trying to load from S3.
Seems to be inserting the actual endpoint `https://s3-west.nrp-nautilus.io/` instead of `s3://b…
Would be good to point to the relevant publications related to the data/models.
New paper just out: [Single-neuron models linking electrophysiology, morphology, and transcriptomics across cortical …