Hi, I'd like to create a Meteor package for [Google's Material Design Lite](https://github.com/google/material-design-lite).
Assuming Google adds all the sexy shit to the SDK. Avoid using 3rd party compat libraries if possible.
An example: https://i.imgur.com/qKey4U2.png
Use MD controls as often as possible (Polymer proje…
Over time, more Material Design values would need to be added:
- [x] Text and divider colours ([UI color application](https://www.google.com/design/spec/style/color.html#color-ui-color-application))
angular.js:12520 attempted to use unregistered theme 'toast--error'
angular.js:12520 Attempted to use unregistered theme 'toast--error'. Register it with $mdThemingProvider.theme().
Google's Material Design palette from Android.
如标题,Magisk Delta 最新版本(27001)使用了和Magisk官方版本相同的Ui
不再是Material Design 3.
25210之后的版本似乎都取消了Material Design 3。
`MD3/2` :同时具有Material Design 2和3版本。
这个就适用于Material File(s)(质感文件)。
I would like to propose a structural improvement to this repository that could enhance code organization, flexibility, and maintainability.
### Suggestion:
- Introduce an Abstract Base…
### Dependency
- [ ] Issue to be worked on once #1596 is completed (link to finalized screens will be provided on this issue), and after all MUI component updates have been completed: #1611 (or potent…
### Gain a better understanding of the basics of UX Design, and Design Systems and Collaboration Tools
- **Basics of UX Design:**
- [ ] Foundations of UX: Learn the principles behind good user experi…