Currently, there is no way to have horizontal bar charts, as
A little suggestion by @LiangBing#5581
TRLableShape >> defaultFamilyFontName
"Default Family font"
| fontList |
fontList := TRPlatform current fontListStrings.
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 1088
Consider the following:
view := RTView new.
view add: (RTBox new size: 50) element.
view on: TRKeyDown do: [ :evt |
evt keyCombination = $j …
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 898
In my application I need to display polar notation complex numbers in Roassal.
This notation uses the angle ∠ symbol (http://www.fileformat.info/inf…
Hismo should be in its own project or group. The default configuration of FAMIX should probably not load it and it should be the configuration of Moose that choose to load it because most of the time …
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 981
Originally reported on stackoverflow:
Consider the example:
v := RTLayoutExample new exampleForce.
v @ (RTFisheye radius: 50).
^ v
The zoom does not happens at the place where the mouse curso…
Inspired from the one of Roassal
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 1110
Improve RTNestingBehavior>>centerOn: backElement elements: elements
Code is about ugly.
Reported by `alexandre.bergel` on 2015-03-04 19:07:27…