@MattTuttle has already replaced the one for sorting layers, but there's a bunch of them in other sections of the engine code (Emitter, BitmapText, ...) that could possibly be called/recreated every f…
- HXP.scaleX and HXP.scaleY have no effects. See http://forum.haxepunk.com/index.php?topic=535.0
- Text.scaledWidth and Text.scaledHeight have no effects. See http://forum.haxepunk.com/index.php?topic…
Saw that you added a cname,
so I guess you are linking haxepunk.com to it ?
Applying a `VarTween` to an `Image`'s `alpha` causes this error exactly when the tween finishes:
Unsupported operation
Called from com/haxepunk/utils/Ease.hx line 43
Called from flash/events/Even…
This is another thing in HaxePunk that is different from FlashPunk that is totally annoying to me.
One of the major advantage of having `Graphic` objects separated from `Entity` is the ability to sha…
Just reporting it. Should be fairly easy to add it in.
When `Text` is resized to a smaller size, the `width` property is not updated.
``` haxe
import com.haxepunk.*;
import com.haxepunk.graphics.*;
import flash.text.*;
class MyWorld extends World {
Suppose that I'm building a standalone desktop game that runs in full screen. The game is built at a specific resolution and is scaled up to fit the screen as best as it can without altering the game'…
There is no indication in the documentation for AtlasRegion.clip that it changes the Rectangle "clipRect" that's passed in, so I'm assuming it isn't supposed to do that.
This is causing at least one …
Strangely the svg logo doesn't appears for me in firefox,
works ok in chrome.