Prior to #2259, we assigned an itemization choice based on minimizing tax liability. However, a recent update tipped us above a memory limit, which caused an outage to the web app, so @nikhilwoodruff …
Name: Rentx
The Rentx platform will enable individuals to create a revenue steam from assets they have purchased but do not use on a daily basis. We will enable inactive assets to be…
**Bolded** items are higher priority.
- [x] Add small white down arrows on chevrons
- [x] **Move all the text and buttons on the fruit background up by 20px (so that "Apply in 3 easy steps" is…
Please complete all of the following sections, or the ghost of Joseph Pulitzer will spookily dance around your issue! A completed version of this template can be found at https://github.com/jsoma/data…
- households
- persons
- trips
- tours
- joint_tour_participants
Currently, I have a working implementation of an economic production model in the notebook `twallema-uncoupled-economic-model.ipynb` on my branch `twallema/uncoupled_economic_model`. I would like to i…
As it turns out, NPL status might be biased, as sites that are selected into the Superfund cleanup are likely to be vastly different from those that were denied cleanup. I want you to provide some evi…
### Current and desired situation
Currently, single parents receive the full child benefit (Kindergeld) but only half the child tax allowance (Kinderfreibetrag). This is wrong at least for those re…
## Paper idea
Is it the person or the place that results in better development outcomes? Is it true that just moving to a city raises your productivity, or if smart people stayed in the countryside w…
Right now, we offer nothing describing what you're actually looking at (not even a dollar sign). Questions a public person could have: 1. What do these numbers mean? Are they revenues or expenditures?…