**Submitting author:** @ablaom (Anthony Blaom)
**Repository:** https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/MLJ.jl
**Version:** v0.14.1
**Editor:** @terrytangyuan
**Reviewer:** @degleris1, @henrykironde
Sanity-checking that the website behaves as expected, this task just requires someone with time to go through and make sure there aren't bugs in the links.
- [ ] Zoom links (x-ref spreadsheet)
First of all I would like to thank you for releasing your implementation of your paper.
I have one question about the hidden size of the main auto-encoder
It seems to me that the UCLA…
I've been reviewing the open and closed issues and documentation to try to find out if the situation I've found is an issue or if I am interpreting something wrong.
My problem is related to the…
Had some ideas based on recent experience that might improve the performance of the classification step.
1. Replace the decision tree with a random forest, which is slightly less interpretable (due…
Hey guys,
I have been experimenting with Lime in some image classification tasks, and I would like to start by thanking you for providing this library.
Like somebody else noticed here #403 , the…
Can we modify the Thursday and Friday tabs to be chronological ordering?
Ideally, this would be:
Session Time (EST), Content Type (Tutorial, Keynote, Doctoral Symposium, Research Talk, Workshop Ta…
## URL(s) with the issue:
Please provide a link to the documentation entry, for example:
Multi-class classifiers are a pretty popular use case in MLJ, so I think an important next step will be getting an example. I think the Iris example is pretty common.
The Iris dataset is available …
* Scholarly Communications and the Semantic Web (too broad; more like a subject classifications)
* Enabling Decentralised Accessible Knowledge Through Linked Research (good, but only reflects the sta…