I've been browsing through the samples here, and I noticed some weird behavior on the "RaytracingMiniEngineSample," looks like something strange is happening with the texture filtering, but …
are the Parameters for tweaking CUDA defining that racon uses CUDA or is the with -Dracon_enable_cuda=ON build racon automatically using the GPU with the default Parameters? (Usually, I expect s…
I am running d3cb1a86 on delta. When I try to print with ```LIN_ADVANCE``` uncommented, printer moves to the start point, then extruder produces some noise for ~1sec and then printing completely stops…
BPO | [10542](https://bugs.python.org/issue10542)
--- | :---
Nosy | @malemburg, @loewis, @doerwalter, @birkenfeld, @rhettinger, @amauryfa, @abalkin, @pitrou, @vstinner, @ericvsmith, @benjaminp, @ezio-…
It looks like MathJax, the library we use for rendering formulas, is shutting down their CDN:
We should update the website to use a self-hosted copy of…
Win 10
The slicing engine seems to be struggling with circular perimeters. 99% of the code is fine, but there are random slowdowns during printing at 70 mm/s on a Duet Maestro, which should …
CCS86 updated
2 years ago
The [recall](https://yardstick.tidymodels.org/reference/recall.html) metric has a nice section [implementation](https://yardstick.tidymodels.org/reference/recall.html#implementation) with a math formu…
So I was running the TMC5160 over SPI on a SKR v1.3 for quite some time without any issue.
Due to a heatbed upgrade I moved to a 24v PSU and problems started.
Using the exact same klipper…
Could not use this bridge to connect between domyos bike 500 and garmin fenix 6.
fenix 6 shall identify spped and cadence sensor if qdomyos advertise itself as a bluetooth cadence sensor or FTMS se…
klipper uses standard trapezoid acceleration as far I know. I never seen a firmware with s-curve like acceleration and I think it would work better for printers
Some video from https://www.youtube.co…