Sir,I have trained a model on my own data which is for flower classification,and it has three classes, that is azalea,tulip and lily,and now I want to use the model to classify them,so How to use the…
Hi @titu1994 ,
Congrats for your amazing work done.
I'm getting some errors while loading the weights with no_top:
`"Unable to open object (Object 'reshape_1' doesn't exist)"`
It seems the l…
Operating environment:tx2
tensorflow version:1.8
HI @GustavZ :
Firstly ,thanks for your work.
I have some questions to consult you,
the first one : When I run your code on tx2 ,…
When I try to initialize a network using these cifar10 weights [wrn_28_8_tf_kernels_tf_dim_ordering_no_top.h5] on a model not including top, the load_weights method fails out with the error:
`File …
Is it possible to install Tensorflow on a Raspberry Pi? OS Ubuntu Mate, Python2.7
Suppose we have 3 samples, each y_truth and y_pred as following:
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from keras import backend as K
y_truth = np.array([
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.…
(SOLVED:) updating to latest xcode beta version solved the issue.
(UPDATE:) I just realised i was testing on iOS 11, the example runs ok with iOS 10 with the latest pull request branch. https://gi…
你好,我们刚刚尝试了用你们的model fine tune在了自己的dataset上(traffic sign classification),感觉效果不错。我看到关于目标检测这部分还在debugging之中, 想问下现在主要哪部分还未完善呢?由于时间紧迫,我们需要尽快完成这部分的功能,所以想看看可不可以自己把剩下的部分补充好