When I use parallel='process', the tf.summary.scalar call in the summarize_episode function doesn't return. If I use 'thread' or 'none' the tf.summary.scalar function finishes normally. I have no idea…
Hi, I am using jaco for reinforcement in RLBench. I tried the RLBench/examples/single_task_rl.py and I have two questions:
1. How to set jaco arm correctly?
At first, I just set like this:
`env …
In RLBench_env.py, step() function should return {} instead of None
Hi, I was running the imitation learning code to get the velocities of the joints.
from rlbench.environment import Environment
from rlbench.action_modes import ArmActionMode, ActionMode
Hello, I want to run the environment on my local computer (windows10,python==3.6);
Here are my steps:
1. Since the raw code runs on Linux, to switch to windows, I change the _remoteApi_.so to _remo…
What's the supported way to edit environments (the task ttms) programmatically?
Setting action_mode = ActionMode(ArmActionMode.DELTA_EE_POSE) for the gym reach_target task, for example, gives rlbench.task_environment.InvalidActionError: Could not find a path. This is due to the a…
For the imitation learning example script, is it possible to send the predicted actions to the scene instead of just computing the loss?
By this I mean, can I test the robot with my networks' predi…
Hi, Awesome framework :)! It would be great if you can clarify some points about the simulator.
- In the complex task tutorial, it is mentioned that "As previously mentioned, the physics engine ru…
When I create a Vision sensor in the environment, even if I don't invoke capture_rgb(), the task steps become dramatically slower. Using cProfile shows some of the calls taking .17s and the others tak…