**Waterline version**:0.13.4
**Node version**:8.9
**NPM version**:5.0
**Operating system**:All
waterline/utils/query/private/normalize-constraint.js should support ILIKE. This would be a…
The Sail model needs to be updated to include the proposed bitmanip instructions.
This needs to be done in such a way so as to enable the generation of emulators (OCaml and C) as well as theorem prov…
Would be very welcome to be able to list all available routes. Especially because blueprints.
Would …
Hi @ragulka , your project is amazing and help me a lot. Sails have just released new version 0.10.1 few days ago. Do you have plan to upgrade your project?
I happened to notice on my production server that i can create several users with the same username or emails. I use mongodb on this server.
I started to google, and found, that sails-mongo almost n…
Hi all I keep working on the plugin actively. long time without a release in master bit will happen soon.
A lot of changes in the core, all of them now in the development branch more ready to master.…
With sails permissions v1.4.5, if I call res.ok() without any data, I get this error:
info: responsePolicy
PS C:\repos\security-center> sails new security-center
error: Error: Generator error: Could not resolve target "C:\repos\security-center\security-center" due to a recursive loop. (Exceeded maxi…
Hi, i set up attribute in model with:
ma_nhan_vien: {
type: 'string',
primaryKey: true,
name: Mike McNeil
事由: sails