This request is about Melanie Engram's (University of Alaska Fairbanks) lake ice regimes dataset.
We heard about this dataset at the big data creation workshop during the google fellows + pdg membe…
I am interested in what the initiative might achieve in this area. I have been having a go the manual hard way https://cdsouthan.blogspot.com/2020/02/opening-2019-ncov-hamburger.html which is obvious…
(tracklab) PS X:\Pycharmproj\Sngamestate\sn-gamestate> python -m tracklab.main -cn soccernet
[2024-05-27 17:44:38,788][__main__][INFO] - Using device: 'cuda'.
Loading SoccerNetGS 'train' set videos …
thank you for implementation sharing
I install pytorch and then build detectrone 2 which finished with this message:
"Successfully built detectron2 fvcore antlr4-python3-runtime"
now I w…
I used the lvgl_micropython project to update my esp32n16r8-ili9488-ft6x36. It originally had a usable LVGL MicroPython, but it's quite outdated (MicroPython 1.19). After compiling the firmware, I cou…
Hi, I work on older Redhat 6 servers. This parser is exactly what I need, but unfortunately the sysstat package that comes natively with RHEL6 is very old version 9.0.4, and it's sadf command doesn't …
Dear uudashr,
Please give me a simple sample on setting UDHI!Please!
Thank you so much!
Dear uudashr,
Please give me a simple sample on setting UDHI!Please!
Thank you so much!
Dear uudashr,
Please give me a simple sample on setting UDHI!Please!
Thank you so much!
Dear uudashr,
Please give me a simple sample on setting UDHI!Please!
Thank you so much!