Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
Dear can you please add **Cython, pystan, python-dateutil, pytz, six and fbprophet** to your [repository](https://chaquo.com/pypi-7.0/) because when i try to install them :
python {
Check inits, check priors. if nothing works, open a discourse thread
#### Summary:
I get the following error
`Error in sort.matrix(x, partial = half + 0L:1L) : unused argument (partial = half + 0:1)`
#### Description:
I have updated R and found when running my…
I really like that this package is bundling so many models in such an accessible way! Thank for your for efforts in that direction.
Eventually, users will want to build upon the included models (I …
I think I might be losing my mind. I'm running into the following error when running the vignette on either Mac or Linux.
Error in cmdstanr::cmdstan_model(stan_file = stan_code_path, cpp_optio…
The `pem_survival_model_varying_coefs` model allows us to test the grouping of one continuous feature (or collection of continuous features) by a categorical feature. The former is specified by `formu…
This is an FYI / guidance for those who are currently running `cmdstanpy>=1.0.2`, specifically when doing full MCMC sampling (`mcmc_samples > 0`). We've noticed that `cmdstanpy` now logs warnings fair…
Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…