I want to use nuscenes dataset to train centerpoint,but I only need to inference partial classes(not all),how can I do this?
Hi Team, First of all thank you for providing open source of such good work.
I have the pretrained model in trained_models/sunrgbd/r34_NBt1D.pth and I got the eval.py to run successfully with mIoU…
As I can see [iou3d_utils](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection3d/blob/master/mmdet3d/ops/iou3d/iou3d_utils.py) is based on [iou3d_nms_utils](https://github.com/open-mmlab/OpenPCDet/blob/master/p…
Hi Zaiwei,
Thanks for sharing your work. I have a few questions on your implementation details, which are not consistent with the paper.
1. In Section 3.2, you mentioned that **0.2m** is used t…
Thanks for your excellent work!I have some question about the input size of NYUDv2,
Why the processed image size is not 480 x 640 in provided NYUDv2 dataset?
and what is the AlignToMask() transforma…
Hello, thank you for this amazing model!
I was wondering if it's possible to train Votenet on a dataset composed of synthetic data only ? I haven't built the dataset yet and I'm still not sure whet…
想请问下,关于在用官方给的下载scannet数据集的代码时,由于数据集有1.3T,有时候数据下着下着,网络连接就断了。请问你有遇到过这种问题吗? 或者可以给些好的建议吗? 谢谢你
Hi,yezhen,thanks for sharing the code,I just wonder did you try the method on outdoor dataset like kitti or others。
We are trying to evaluate the baseline votenet (with pre-trained SUNRGBD) detection performance for `semantic_slam:passive:ground_truth` task. The solution script is unmodified code from [Part IV: Cre…
Thank you for sharing this great work!
I have a simple question about the performance with single backbone.
What is the mAP@0.25 and mAP@0.5 on both ScanNet and SUN RGB-D when the model use s…