Hello everyone!
My name is Marat Korsik, I started my PhD with @mattodd about two months ago. I am working on Series 4, in particular, I focused on the synthesis of “Norcross compounds” #390 . Below…
Hello everyone:
I'm a student at NANJING MEDICAL UNIVERSITY in China and doing some researches about OHDSI now.
However after I downloaded the Atlas 2.3.0 and configured ,I find the Atlas page with…
ZHU-C updated
6 years ago
English home page of the department https://www.nju.edu.cn/EN/7f/6b/c7136a163691/page.htm
I think there are two major questions we need to answer: (1) Which direction SUEWS should move to: a full-function land surface model or a empirical/(or semi-empirical UCM model) ?
Then question (2…
- 公司/学校:KPMG China/Université de Lille 1
- 工作内容/专业:Java Senior Consultant/ E-Services(Computer Science)
- 常浏览的国外网站:StackOverFlow, InfoQ, Github,
- 英语水平:Professional efficiency
- 有无翻译经验:Yes
- 个人博…
GU Project 4 will focus on synthesis of "the Heterooxadiazole". I'd prefer to just call it the oxadiazole, but to avoid confusion we'll stick with that name!
![tian - synthetic plan](h…
GU Project 6 will focus on synthesis of a phenylalaninol ether side-chain:
![morgana - synthetic plan](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28282596/28499439-6cfd9242-6ff9-11e7-9d…
GU Project 3 will focus on synthesis of "the Internal Alkyne" and, if time permits, conversion to "the Alkyl" and "the internal Alkene":
![yang - synthetic plan](https://user-images.gi…
Hi Anton,
Two things:
1. Make sure there aren't any gaps between the names as seen in the image below (between Kansai University Korea University and National Taiwan University)
2. Please re-al…
GU Project 5 will focus on synthesis of "the Heterooxazole":
![daisy - synthetic plan](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28282596/28824039-ad185798-7703-11e7-9605-da6d07043c65.…