Probably due to a bad raster space estimate, implement camera_ray_reverse function
On android, I added One Signal plugin on my app and i added this code on the platform.ready section
window["plugins"].OneSignal.setLogLevel({logLevel: 6, visualLevel: 6});
var notif…
华为mate20 支付宝,导致使用支付宝的app闪退
Half the reason nobody does surgery is because nobody but the med doctors can get in, and usually there are bored medbay staff that are not doctors who want into surgery and have to yell at the doctor…
There seems to be no license file. What are the licensing terms for this open source project?
The Windvane Spear, from Prince's of the Apocalypse, is supposed to do 1d8+7 damage +1d6 lightning. Instead, it's doing 1d8+71d6 damage.
After updating my Google Play game to the recent release 0.9.53, I can't log in. When I run my application, I got directly this output :
11-04 18:38:29.022 18322 18360 I Unity : (Filename: …
Mi sembra che l'albero potato ottenuto nell'esempio produca una partizione più fine di quella mostrata dal grafico
点击视频 不能播放。