Hey @BPerezLamarque
Thank you for an amazing paper and tutorial for running the "HOME_model".
I am getting an error where the OTU tree tips need to match the host tree, but they need to be unqiue…
Getting around to finally playing this cool method you've developed!
Just a minor suggestion that maybe `lty` parameter should have some defaults if the user doesn't provide them. Currently…
Hi Fernando,
I installed `cami-opal` with `conda` and got some error caused by `bokeh`.
2021-04-06 10:48:04,833 INFO Loading profiles...
2021-04-06 10:48:04,835 INFO done
When attempting to generate alpha rarefaction curves, I notice that when selecting 'Artifact tree, if exists' as the phylogenetic tree option, but using a metric that does not require a tree…
The other goal that can be started is the experimentation of a get_profile function or similar in fileutils that would slurp the entire profile into memory. I'm sick of not being able to have direct a…
When attempting to generate alpha rarefaction curves, I notice that when designating 'Number of observed features, including singles and doubles' the following error is generated:
Error r…
Basically if you open a rarefaction plot and wait for a few seconds and/or start interacting with the zoom; the plot frame gets cut in half, like this:
Hello IUC,
Help us fix tool tests!
we would like to make sure that our tools are well tested and working in the widest range of deployment scenarios possible…
@caroliver is working on a testing suite for the package https://github.com/caroliver/mobr/tree/auto_testing .
One of the most important tests we need is for the function `rarefaction`. This paper…
next steps: pick the best two examples for the comparing to the null distribution
treat nutrients as species, and species as communities of nutrients, so to get a different FDiv value for each specie…