Is there a way to get sunset time from the Adhan?
ghost updated
7 years ago
Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura prayer calculation method is used throughout Singapore. Please help to add this prayer calculation method in Adhan.
Fajr Angle: 20.0 degree
Isha Angle: 18.0 degree
ghost updated
7 years ago
Objective C example of Adhan has reference to BAPrayerTimes. Can you please confirm if BAPrayerTimes used in this example is using the same code as swift?
ghost updated
7 years ago
In your examples you are manually setting the gps coordinates to a location
`let coordinates = Coordinates(latitude: 35.78056, longitude: -78.6389)`
say if this was on a phone i assume tha…
I did some comparison using Moonsighting Comittee method with adjustments to suit London Central Mosque but however i found out starting end of October till December, the variant for fajr and isha bec…
Al Salaamu Alaykum,
Thank you for the beautifully written library.
Can I please ask what the source of the Fajr and Isha angles is for the Gulf, Kuwait and Qatar methods? I can't, for instance, …
It seems like `Adhan` is safe to embed in app extensions, if so, it'll be better to check this flag to avoid warnings.
Assalamualaikum brothers,
Awesome library and may Allah reward all of you with your efforts.
I would like to request for a new method to be added which is JAKIM, Malaysia. Here are some links t…
Hi in var params = calculationMethod.
Is is possible to set a custom
Calculation method where it is angle based. Fajr and eshaai angle?
When using
`import adhan from 'adhan'` in react-native, https://github.com/batoulapps/Adhan/blob/master/JavaScript/Adhan.js#L13 `root` is undefined and breaks everything. Should do a check. Regardles…