> ** 비트단위(bitwise) 연산자는,
> ~(bitwise not), &(bitwise and), |(bitwise or), ^(bitwise xor),
> (bitwise right shift)
> 가 있다.
> 예를 들어 1이 입력되었을 때 저장되는 1을 32비트 2진수로 표현하면
> 00000000 000000…
The bit manipulation library has been removed in Lua 5.4, so md5.lua falls back to its custom bit manipulation functions, using tables. It would be better if md5.lua knew how to use the bitwise operat…
this code is using Java ">>" which use sign bit for filling. The R…
BPO | [19251](https://bugs.python.org/issue19251)
--- | :---
Nosy | @birkenfeld, @rhettinger, @terryjreedy, @gpshead, @ncoghlan, @pitrou, @scoder, @vstinner, @tiran, @cameron-simpson, @socketpair, @va…
I am new to fbgemm and I am trying to build with clang instead of gcc. gcc builds fine but clang gets this error when building or using asmjit. Should asmjit be fixed or should I turn off the erro…
### The problem
I have fancoil wired in a modbus rs485 serial network. I want to use hass-template-climate component because i have to do math with some modbus registers and the standard mo…
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| Bugzilla Link | [PR44977](https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44977) |
| Status | NEW |
| Importance | P enhancemen…
Given two integers left and right that represents the range [left, right],
code will return the bitwise AND of all numbers in this range, inclusive.
I want to work over this issue in C++.
`|` and `||` both work for boolean arithmetic, e.g. in
some_flag = false
some_array.each do |element|
some_flag ||= do_something(element)
`||=` could be interchanged with `|=`. Simi…
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| Bugzilla Link | [PR13027](https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13027) |
| Status | NEW |
| Importance | P enhancemen…