How are you guys, all right?
I'm in a dilemma for setting up the sensorless homing with the TMC2130 drivers, with Ramps 1.4 and Arduino Mega. I bought these from china already in the SPI-enabled ve…
@vintagepc I'd like to get Klipper working in the SIM as I need to do some comparison to PrusaFirmware. Only problem is that it currently doesn't quite work. The connection to the host software times …
This is the Rtf below, Parsed html doesn't show images. I am using v1.0.7246.39337
{\rtf1 \ansi \nouicompat \themelang1033 \themelangfe1041 \themelangcs1025 \deff17 {\fonttbl {\f0 \fswiss \fchar…
Add these ips to blocking list so that i can block spotify ads.
## What
Ignition for CS runs `exec-setup-hw.service` in cybozu-go/neco. The target node was the factory configuration. According to the journal log. It does not work well.
Aug 16 05:58:43…
As we mentioned in the teleconference about reviewing and changing default values. What is the thought on moving `make_fit` default version to 3.0?
I know SuperDARN Canada is no producing Fitacf 3…
rtf1 ansi ansicpg1252 uc1 deff0 fonttbl f0 fswiss fcharset0 fprq2 Arial f1 froman fcharset2 fprq2 Symbol colortbl red0 green0 blue0 red255 green255 blue255 stylesheet s0 itap0 nowidctlpar f0 fs24 N…
When I use this code:
TCCR1B = B00010000;
// snip
TCCR1B |= B00000011; // CS12:CS10 = 011 => clk/64. Starts the clock.
// snip
I'm have error my code using striprtf
Can someone help me?
~\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\striprtf\striprtf.py in rtf_to_text(text)
86 elif brac…