release date: 2019-03-05
- [x] Pytorch-1.0.1
- [x] pandas-0.24.1,
- [x] PyQt5-5.12.1a
- [x] Tensorflow-1.13.1 , for Python-3.7 also
Focus of the release:
- [x] Pyside2-5.12 comp…
it's finally out~
Reported by @lunar24 in thread #2. Please insert your full error message below (ideally as text and not screenshots) and list your operating system version, Python version, and dm_control rendering op…
In February I attended a NASA workshop on *Enabling Analytics in the Cloud for
Earth Science Data*. Below is a report of the meeting. This is highly relevant to our ongoing efforts.
[Cloud Analyti…
- **WP4:** [User Interfaces](https://github.com/OpenDreamKit/OpenDreamKit/tree/master/WP4)
- **Lead Institution:** Simula Research Laboratory
- **Due:** 2018-08-31 (month 36)
- **Nature:** Other
minrk updated
5 years ago
I have seen two PAGA plots for the 1.3mln 10x dataset: Figure S12 in https://rawgit.com/falexwolf/paga_paper/master/paga.pdf and slide 17 in http://falexwolf.de/talks/180313_HCA_RedBox_Scanpy.pdf. The…
I would like to add custom javascript to my slides for adding other functionalities, for example, call [Reveal.js API](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js#api) directly, add [Reveal.js plugins](https…
Alok- great work! Please see my edits below. Many of my edits overlap with your other README.
- “Big Data Exploration (Stats, Visualization and Dimensionality reduction) and Preparation (cleaning, …
@PeerHerholz - do you already have some updates on the slides for the docker and the data sharing session?
This issue arises through discussion with several people @eqy @adityaatluri @ajtulloch @cowanmeg
So far we can use IR to embed a sequence of LLVM intrinsics to generate microkernel. But this may not…