**[Original report](https://bitbucket.org/pycogent3/cogent3-dev/issue/155) by GavinH (Bitbucket: [557058:e40c23e1-e273-4527-a2f8-5de5876e870d](https://bitbucket.org/557058:e40c23e1-e273-4527-a2f8-5de5…
I wanted to apply this software to shotgun metagenome count data. I was wondering if-
a) Is it feasible to apply this software to shotgun metagenome count data?
I have the host tree for downstream…
**[Original report](https://bitbucket.org/pycogent3/cogent3-dev/issue/153) by GavinH (Bitbucket: [557058:e40c23e1-e273-4527-a2f8-5de5876e870d](https://bitbucket.org/557058:e40c23e1-e273-4527-a2f8-5de5…
I'm having issues with pip install on Windows 10. In particular, I get the following error code when running pip install scikit-tda:
Building wheels for collected packages: ripser
Hi there !
After update QGis from 2.18.14-1 to 2.18.28-3 (QGIS-OSGeo4W-2.18.28-3-Setup-x86_64.exe), i can't use this processing : I get a minidump.
Idem with the DistanceMatrix processing...
This happens with both example data and my own data.
Running it on Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS
phenotypeseeker modeling dtoxin-phenotypeseeker.pheno
Compiled module "_likelihood_tree" not found. Wi…
class probe:
self.systemsBeliefs = # 0-1M * n number of systems
self.pastlocations = [] #list of index of system they known have been to or other bots have been to
self.charge = #0-100
Dear Admin
I have a distance matrix and I want to use Javaplex to read it and generate persistent homology barcodes and also Betti barcodes. Can you provide a easy example code on how to do that ?
import numpy as np
from Bio.Cluster import distancematrix
matrix = distancematrix(distance,dist='e')
**result:unexpected format…
**[Original report](https://bitbucket.org/pycogent3/cogent3-dev/issue/106) by GavinH (Bitbucket: [557058:e40c23e1-e273-4527-a2f8-5de5876e870d](https://bitbucket.org/557058:e40c23e1-e273-4527-a2f8-5de5…