I use jekyll generator (https://github.com/robwierzbowski/generator-jekyllrb ) and picture-tag as well. Grunt server and grunt build would always clean ".jekyll" and "dist " directory, ie. also im…
I'm about 90% certain this is user error of some nature but I'm not a ruby programmer and I'm lost on debugging this. Thanks for creating what seems to be an much needed addon to Jekyll.
After insta…
If you forgot to include a width/height in a image source config Jekyll fails with an unhelpful exception.
Generating... Liquid Exception: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass in _posts…
I'm new to jekyll-picture-tag, but I have it successfully generating images and inserting markup. The problem is that I'm left with an extra `{::nomarkdown} ... {:/}` wrapping my image spans. I've att…
[Syntax has changed](http://scottjehl.github.io/picturefill/#using-picture), notably the use of `srcset` in place of `src`:
<source srcset="examples/images/extralarge.jpg" media…
This is a super useful Jekyll plugin. Why not make it a Gem? The [Jekyll documentation](http://jekyllrb.com/docs/plugins/) mentions loading plugins from Gems.
For some odd reason my images don't display. They're generated and exist when I browse to them directly but they don't show up on my site. See it live here: http://www.suchbrooklyn.com/
This is the g…
Hello Rob, hello everyone!
I have a question/feature request:
By default your plugin always wraps a generated image into an ``-Tag. But for a gallery (or lightbox plugin) I would like to generate th…
Phlow updated
10 years ago
Use case:
Provide widescreen, normal, and narrow images for desktop, tablet, phone.
crop-x: {left, right, both}
crop-y: {left, right, both}
width: W
height: H
if crop-x, crop-y are not set: …
Might be worth it to make figure tag more flexible.
Maybe move classes from the front matter to the tag calls?
Would be nice to do something like:
``` text
{% figure frontmatter-id wrap="foo" class…