**Amit, you wrote a good article [Bring DevOps To Data Science With MLOps](https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2021/04/bring-devops-to-data-science-with-continuous-mlops) Thank you. I just wanted to…
I have a batch (left-hand file), which uses an action, which has several inputs defined in a short form (right-hand si…
On https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/samples/microsoft/mlopspython/mlops-with-azure-ml/, there are at least three broken links (which result in 404's).
Please check the obtained scores and approve accordingly
Workflow is pending manual review.
URL: https://api.github.com/miguerutb/Innotech-MLOps/actions/runs/11757100225
Required approvers: [migueru…
Summary problem:
When you run apply the first time, the sagemaker notebook is populated with all of our files from the local mlops_ml_models folder which are pushed to an s3 bucket (you can check th…
### Describe the bug or the issue that you are facing
### Steps/Code to Reproduce
run the tf-gha-deploy-infra.yml github action
### Expected Output
use of deprecated github feature
Instead of having to run
nohup java -jar h2o.jar -hdfs_config core-site.xml &
before I run a Python interpreter, I can just do
We want to be able to use keras with the pytorch backend.
# [BoostCamp]Day9 파이토치 꿀팁들 | 나의 빅데이터 공부 기록
부스트캠프 9일차 공부 정리.