Everything is fine when I work in locally but in production I get Nuxt.js Internal Server Error.
I found some threads about this issue with Next.js and it seems if you only import submodul…
就ant design最近一次大更新,增加的formModel组件,文档照搬element,几乎一字未改
ant design
请问能否使用 Antmove 小程序转换器基于 vant-weapp 转换得到UI组件库
目前已知 iview-weapp 可以使用 希望官方能够支持
Just upgraded to 5.1.1 from 5.0.1 and the build fails.
I downgraded to 5.0.1, removed my `nodes_modules` folder and reinstall all my packages but the issues remain.
I've never installed the `core-…
bug: 若从word/wps文档复制张贴的文本,wxParse解析节点文本有乱码导致不能正常显示
zcSkr updated
4 years ago
### 🐛 bug 描述
### 📷 复现步骤
### 🏞 期望结果
### 💻 复现代码
### © 版本信息
- Ant Design Pro 版本: [e.g. 4.0.0]
- umi 版本
- 浏览器环境
- 开发环境 [e.g. mac OS]
### 🚑 其他信息
Hi. I have problem with enabling resumable uploads via tus.io
What am I doing wrong?
import Vue from 'vue'
import tus from 'tus-js-client'
import VueFileAgent…
https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design (react版本)
https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design-pro (react版本)
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueHtml2pdf from 'vue-html2pdf'
plugins: [
{ src: '@/plugins/vue-apexcha…