I worked for many month in a model with an earlier version of cobra and saved all the results on excel spreadsheets, and it never had any issue. However, I changed my laptop and after installi…
In lines 38,39,51,52 of updateCobraToolbox.m should be = instead of ==
This prevents updating CTB from matlab. Correcting the code makes it work but still can't update because it complains that there…
The sampleSCatterMatrix function does not plot the correlation coefficients. If lines 143-144 have the comment symbol removed, it does plot the coefficients.
I've been looking at detectDeadEnds, and when setting removeExternalMets to 1, the behavior seems to be buggy.
All examples are from human RECON 2 website.
Right now, setting it to true would remove a…
hashtag: [#SageAssembly](https://twitter.com/search?vertical=default&q=sageassembly%20OR%20(sage%20AND%20(assembly%20OR%20congress%20PR%20bio))%20OR%20sage…
Dear Dr. Fleming,
After installing Gurobi, and after initializing Cobra, I run testAll. This gives an error message somewhere half way. I found out that the problem is with testModels. I have noticed…
The original GIMME article (http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000082) uses a weighted penalty when re-enabling flux in reactions that do not have genes expressed.
The penalty is weighted by exp…
To reproduce:
1. Upload emx_all_datatypes.xlsx "TypeTest" in package "org_molgenis_test" --> OK
2. Upload emx_all_datatypes.xlsx "TypeTest" in package "org_molgenis" --> ERROR
Import failed
trf_rate is not calculating correctly because the function block.calcSweepTime() (called in line 53 in process.calcTuningCruves.m) is not adapted for AMS (it is though correct for FMS). The calculatio…
#### Expected behaviour
Name: Jimmy Porich
Dept: External Relations/MDHS
Issue: Expecting the jump navigation to halt above all footer content when scrolling down on research pages.
#### Actual behav…