Trying to send a transaction and it's failed three times in a row. No way to access the raw bytes to try to debug. Device: Trezor T.
We currently rely on the cardanoexplorer API which can start being limited at any time. Moreover, the API does not provide any efficient way to retrieve unspent transaction outputs for an address, the…
Is it possible to create a new wallet without using the API? Or the Cardano project will always depends of a node in order to create wallets/accounts/addresses?
I would like to achieve something s…
I'm having an error in `deriveAddressWithHdNode`,
Here is my piece of test code
const mnemonicAPI = require('./wallet/mnemonic');
const addressAPI = require('./wallet/address');
const transa…
Check the following transaction from cardano explorer https://cardanoexplorer.com/tx/1d7041f5557730911c69d2b4cabf9972a476b0e29898deb50410f2732eb5b8d4
we can see that we are sending to two di…
Hi! According to docs, there should a CLI wallet executable called `cardano-wallet`: https://cardanodocs.com/technical/cli-options/#cardano-wallet
I haven't found any instructions on how to compile…
addition of market cap
We need to have a smart wallet which can send coins from one address to another one.
Eventually we need a separate executable in `cardano-sl` project which exposes HTTP API for frontend to su…
As there are engineers coming onboard to work with PureScript in order to start integration of pos-implementation and Daedalus wallet, we have to refactor state and provide Servant endpoint…
I'm using version 0.7 of `gitsome`, and when trying to get the trending repositories for some languages, I receive an error:
Version: 0.7.0
emre at latitudeE6540 in ~ on
$ gh trending pytho…
emres updated
7 years ago