On iOS, attempting to upload a large file from the files browser into a Cryptee folder causes the app to fail and return to the “starting up” screen, requiring me to enter my encryption key again. Som…
Currently, Minetest Game uses 64×32 skins instead of the more recent 64×64 skins that were introduced in Minecraft 1.8/1.9.
The new skin format allows for "overlays" on all body areas, not just the h…
I like to be able to see images in my terminal by typing [img2sixel](https://github.com/saitoha/libsixel). But when I do that in `tmux`, nothing happens. Using `tmux` version 2.8 on Arch Linux.
It would be great to have the ability to pass a cropbox when printing PDFs. [Apache PDFBox supports it](https://pdfbox.apache.org/docs/2.0.2/javadocs/org/apache/pdfbox/pdmodel/PDPage.html#setCropBox(o…
@JPH71, now that Aiden has absolved all responsibilities and knowledge of us (I'm tempted to @ him here, just to piss him off), we've had to establish our own repository for your amazing Agents.
Many times planter images are not square. The styles for image tag with id 'planter_image' should be updated so the planter image does not ever display as an oval.
#45542 adds support to kvnemesis for verifying that a txn's reads are consistent with its writes. It seems to be seeing a read that was only valid for a window entirely before the timestamp it ended u…
Is there any special reason of why is needed a [new API](https://github.com/linuxmint/libappindicator/commit/aab8bf872f244e0850cc936c240bd543546770f2), or is just because it's fun have something diffe…
Users will sometimes upload crazy big images. We should limit on kb and/or resolution if that isn't already in place.
@Pomax has a suggestion here: https://github.com/mozilla/network-pulse-api/issu…
Hello, when compiling under Fedora Live 30 I'm getting the following error:
LINKING: /usr/bin/g++ -Wall -Wextra -Wl,-z,now -O3 -s -flto=4 "cryptbase/o/cryptbase.o" "cryptbase/o/getbackupkey.o"…