## Steps to reproduce ##
Run fhir bridge with "mvn clean verify -DskipITs=false"
## Actual result ##
4 test failures and 1 test error encountered:
[ERROR] Failures:
[ERROR] Diagnostic…
# Test Case/s To Reproduce Issue
Alternative path Procedure Prone Position
# path to test case
# robot command to execute related test case(s) in your te…
## Steps to reproduce ##
checkout feature/NUM_119_Stat_Versorgunsfall+Patientenaufenthalt, import the Postman Collection in ./config/postman/fhir-bridge.postman_collection.json , try the request F…
## Configuration information
I'm following the instructions found in the [documentation](https://ehrbase.readthedocs.io/en/latest/02_getting_started/index.html) and after completing all the steps i…
## Background ##
I tried this command:
`$ java -jar generator-1.2.0.jar -opt ~/Desktop/sofa-score/SOFA.opt -out ~/Desktop/sofa-score/sofa -package "org.ehrbase.fhirbridge.ehr.converter.sofascore…
## Background ##
Hello folks,
It looks like the latest beta release is not on dockerhub. We'd really love to have the new `/metrics` stuff available for our deployment.
I was not sure which i…
## Test Case/s To Reproduce Issue
Alternative Flows Observation Heart Rate
# path to test case
# robot command to execute related test ca…
# Test Case/s To Reproduce Issue
Various Conditions
# path to test case
# robot command to execute related test case(s) in your terminal/console
You have…
## Background ##
The first implementation of the converter API allows of conversions in both directions:
- From FHIR to EHR
- From EHR to FHIR
The second direction is never used. However it …
There are missing codes for the mapping of the SOFA score.
## Steps to reproduce ##
POST the sofa score JSON.
## Actual result ##
Failure during REST processing: ca.uhn.fhir.rest.server…