When I have both Minfantasy 2 (version 2.8.12, link to the mod [here](http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/wip-mods/2467203-minefantasy2-alpha) ) and DragonAPI (17b,…
Here is my python (Anaconda):
Python 2.7.13 |Anaconda custom (64-bit)| (default, Dec 20 2016, 23:09:15)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-1)] on linux2
Here are my packages:…
Hi there - I've …
jprjr updated
7 years ago
`May 25 21:33 : exception: Failed to decode
May 25 21:33 : exception: nested: failed to open WavPack stream: not configured to hand…
Hi Guys,
Do you know if the MPD version is compiled with SQLite support already?
Do you have steps to compile a MPD version with SQLite support?
I've spent at least two days on this so I decided to ask around. I am trying to use Doom as an evaluation platform. To do so I'm following the second method suggested in the README file.
I get a `NSFE` for a resource that I can otherwise load through `getClass.getResource`:
@ load.ivy("michid" % "script-oak" % "1.1-SNAPSHOT")
@ val name = "TarAnalysis.scala"
name: String = "TarA…
lombok version 1.16.6
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: pid
at lombok.javac.JavacAST.packageDeclaration(JavacAST.java:107)
at lombok.javac.JavacAST.(JavacAST.java:81)
at lombok.javac.JavacT…
Hi, I just grabbed the git master source, so I need to run the autogen.sh script.
My system is LMDE2 i386 with latest updates (bash 4.3.30, autoconf 2.69, libtool 2.4.2), into a virtualbox machine.
Here's my output :
starting deadbeef 0.6.2
searching for GUI plugins in /home/X/.local/lib64/deadbeef
searching for GUI plugins in /home/X/.local/lib/deadbeef
searching for GUI plug…