With NSwag toolchain v13.15.5.0 (NJsonSchema v10.6.6.0 (Newtonsoft.Json v11.0.0.0)) (http://NSwag.org)
OpenAPI spec with models and arrays is converted to Typescript. It can't be compiled with strict…
i had prior installed the integration. After deletion i would install it again.
i got the following error: "Unexpected error when creating the API."
Polestar Account in the web works and show…
### Describe the bug
It seems that the plugin is failing to request the proper information, and this is causing HomeBridge to get into a crash loop. I have entered all the requested information (clie…
{"activity":true,"context":"fleet-telemetry","level":"info","msg":"2024/10/17 07:04:42 http: TLS handshake error from tls: client didn't provide a certificate\n","time":"2024-10-1…
here's my code
from docxtpl import DocxTemplate, RichText
tpl = DocxTemplate('template/test.docx')
context = {
'km': {'city': 918.28, 'countryside': 125.32, 'highway': 325.21, 'tota…
Just wondering if it is possible to define custom resolver for the fields exposed by graphene-django-extras.
My project has two Apps (with separate databases) but with relationships across apps.
Follwing this [ROS Bridge package](https://carla.readthedocs.io/projects/ros-bridge/en/latest/ros_installation_ros2/), , I use the ros2 version and I can get ros2 topics from CARLA.
but when …
I am trying to implement a simple lane change manoeuve. Specifically a left lane change.
However when retrieving waypoints from the left lane ( using carla.Waypoint.get_left_lane() function ), the w…
As a user, after submitting my information in the input vehicle information modal, I want to see the mileage until my next oilchange on my dashboard. I want the "DIY" button to use the data I entered …