Hi there. Thanks so much for developing this module.
For Telegram messages, is there any way to send messages with rich formatting in them, i.e. I can **bold**, _italicize_, etc?
Per here, the …
**Flexmark Version:** 0.62.2
I'm not certain whether this is a bug report or a feature request - I'd say, probably more of just a question.
My setup is a little convoluted - I'm using Flexmark a…
Certain pages should be easily modifiable by execs, and should be stored in the database. Let's have them written in Markdown, processed into HTML, and save both Markdown/HTML in the database.
Please see if it is possible to make the Markdown/HTML text fields more accessible for the visually impaired. Currently these fields are not compatible with screen-readers.
1. When I click anchor at 'Table of contents' it doesn't redirect to content.
2. I don't know how to create new page (`Marp` can divide page by `---` but warp cannot create new page when I input `---…
`juvix html` has (too) many options. I believe many of them were introduced to facilitate integration with `VSCode`. We should somehow make the cli interface simpler and either adapt the VSCode plugin…
My notes contain a lot of html tags, will this affect the accuracy of the plugin search? How can I set it to not retrieve html tags?
- pymdownx.superfences:
- name: mermaid
class: mermaid
format: !!python/name:mermaid2.fence_mermaid_custom
Can there be some simple HTML editor to compose HTML e-mail?
> 为某些非 `.md` 结尾但仍是 Markdown 的页面提供转换为 HTML 功能。
> 例…