wer den weltuntergang NICHT sieht, der liest die falschen nachrichten (blaue pillen)
welche news lese ich? also, wem glaube ich?
iceagefarmer @ telegram
archiv: https://mi…
Issue reported by Clara:
"Perhaps we need a separate ticket for this, but I am trying to document what I see going wrong with the tool in once place, grateful if you can split it to tickets accordi…
Different options to decide on:
- [ ] take historic crossborder flows from entso-e
- [x] take historic ATC from entso-e and then one node per country including aggregates of different generators …
thank you for your great component.
I just want to suggest, that you do not need the EPEX Spot Web Scraper anymore. Instead you could use the SMARD Plattform published by the Bundesnetzagent…
When I try to run OLAF I get following error:
:BD_CheckRotMat:Passed invalid rotation m…
LCOE values are not reflected in LCOE legend -> no variation in pixel coloring on the map
It has been noted that offshore wind turbines may be fixed or floating. Wave and current turbines may be always submerged(?). Consider adding attribute waterLevelEffect to feature OffshoreProduction…
**Bug description**
Hello all, I'm Carlos and I'm currently working on end-of-Master's project about offshore platforms. I need to obtain plots from different tests but I have several problems to do…
DEA data states 2020 in Excel file, `compile_cost_assumption` does not adjust, assumes 2015.