Choose to explore and discuss one of the following project sites developed by students. Several of these are undergoing continued development this semester! Describe (in your own words) at least one …
**Two steps:**
1. Get all Deb's academic papers onto the site
2. Format in a particular way, details below
**Content Check**
We can reference here for all of his publications he'd like included …
Try to get more datasets! (Would be good to keep the 'OML100' principle) For example, @joaquinvanschoren mentioned that he as several datasets that comply to the requirements. Related to #13
Hi and thank you for these wonderful tools!
I have some troubles trying to get the same length for several MFCC arrays (for different audio files, in order to train a neural network after that).
Windows 10电脑,电信网络,从不关机。电脑闲一段时间后“总ip数”100,”有效ipv6数“100,但只要打开浏览器连xx-net上网fq,ip数就在数秒内跌为个位数。有时候还能google,youtube,有时候干脆不能连。期间”ipv6状态”一直OK。
erdcy updated
5 years ago
pylint test
************* Module test.test_conversation_v1
W: 20, 0: Wildcard import watson_developer_cloud.conversation_v1 (wildcard-import)
W: 54, 4: Unused vari…
After following the README, installing, and saying
hr run robot
tmux a
When I switch to terminal 3, I see the error message:
bash: line 0: cd: /opt/hansonrobotics/tools/blender: N…
linas updated
6 years ago
Installing the Emotion NuGet package into a Windows 10 universal application fails with the following error:
Installing Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Emotion
Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Emotion 1.…
Is there any one get the same issue? train/valid loss became NaN after few iters
I added , and things went a bit further - but there seems to be some more missing content from the repo - a dir named , and some expected content inside it: