Ship's crashlanded on a snow planet with limited resources. Things that need to be coded for it, preliminary discussion
- cut down trees to get wood - @unid15
- proper snow tiles - @DrCelt
- coldness…
ghost updated
7 years ago
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Configure with SQLite, monitor Sunny Explorer, Current Cost Meters
2. Add pvoutput details
3. Haven't specified any specific suspend control parameters
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Start PV Bean Counter
2. Select Inverters Tab
3. Push Retrieve/Refresh button.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
1. A list of inverte…
1. 还是老问题,连接 VPN 之后监听的端口失效。
2. 注册账号默认有 1MB 流量,然后 @xxnet 又给了 110GB,用完那 1MB 后,流量剩余居然成了两个 110GB,且到期时间相同,总流量为 220GB,不知是临时的显示 Bug,还是流量真的计算错误了。
### 以下是建议0.0
1. 在状态页加上监听地址,就像 GAEProxy 里的 一…
This happens when I load more artist id into the artistids file
Have all running on my main laptop (vista) no probs.
Set-up on old XP laptop (latest version standard install) .
Explorer will connect to SB4000TL. It works if I click on the sunneyexplorer
Как стало известно трекер nnm-club переехал с домена nnm-club.me на nnmclub.to, прошу по возможности внести изменения, а то всё пропало :)
Please find attached data from my dual setup of SB 3300. Sniffed with
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `marcus.p...@gmail.com` on 2 May 2011 at 3:24
Hi It's actually pretty annoying:
I update and upgrade my Pi B, running Xbian ( normally it is up to date...) and after some days it keeps stopping kodi from running.
It starts running and after s…
ghost updated
8 years ago
root@hp-gerb:/home/gerbenr/sma-bluetooth# ./smatool -v -from "2011-02-20
00:00:00" -to "2011-02-20 23:30:00"
QUERY RANGE from 2011-02-20 00:00:00 to 2011-02-20 23:30:00
Address 00:80:25:0b:0f:…