Not all entries in the `FILE_ID` (column P) and `FILE_EXTENSION` (column Q) fields in the POPC2 metadata spreadsheet are filled in. The `FILE_ID` is needed as a preferred way to link to scans on the…
Dado a que se han percibido "traqueteos" en Hija, propongo sustituir los rodamientos líneales por igus.
Una de las ventajas que ofrecen es menor ruido, además de que no requieren ser engrasados.
In [`c3961d7`](https://github.com/Altyrasolutionslda/Uptime-Monitor/commit/c3961d792f56202c4de0ba326b64afb1ee65a94f
), Natur-Al-Carnes • Gestão ($SECRET_SITE5) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 0
- Response …
I have recently begun playing H3VR again, and when I use this mod one of two things happens:
1) The main features of the mod, the hold number and override token count, do not appear on my radar han…
The labels differ from the 2.0 Sp file at https://unstats.un.org/unsd/classifications/Econ/CPC.cshtml
2.1 adds new cod…
In [`eba2d24`](https://github.com/Altyrasolutionslda/Uptime-Monitor/commit/eba2d24fb54c4e78797f3014433d729eb8eec5f2
), Natur-Al-Carnes • Leilão Online ($SECRET_SITE6) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 0
- Re…
Alguém tem ideia de como fazer uma implementação para alterar o modelo do boleto em tempo de execução?
Atualmente da forma que está implementado só é possível definir o modelo no inicio da aplicaçã…
**Describe the problem**
Given a table
CREATE TABLE public."Orders" (
"OrderID" INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('public."Orders_OrderID_seq"'::REGCLASS),
"CustomerID" CHAR(5) NULL,
> Are we in agreement that we don't support checkpoint anymore? (I'm personally still not convinced. Primarily because I'm not sure we have a decent replacement for this. I think it's needed if we wer…
- [x] 1. Haz un fork de este repo (en GitHub).
- [x] 2. Clona tu fork en tu computadora:
git clone git@github.com:/-burger-queen.git
cd -burger-queen
- [x] 3. Crea una rama a partir de main…