## Project Request: Tuberculosis Detection from X-ray Images
### Problem Statement
Tuberculosis (TB) is a highly infectious disease that primarily affects the lungs. Early detection and diagnosi…
## The problem
As discussions about reopening schools and more are starting again, it would be optimal to test every person every day. Of course, this is very difficult to achieve with the tests that…
| Category | Module/Application | Features |
| Specialties | Cardiology (Cupid) | - Supports invasive and non-invasive procedures- Flexible structured r…
## タイトル: ハイパースペクトル画像と特徴量マイニングを用いた、教師なし Fusarium ヘッドブライト検出。
## リンク: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.00395
## 概要:
Integrated Community Case Management is a workflow deployed across 60%+ of CHT projects. We should provide a detailed [example](https://docs.communityhealthtoolkit.org/apps/examples/) on the documenta…
> Objective: The advent of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) with large electronic imaging databases along with advances in deep neural networks with machine learning …
## What is the notebook about?
The idea of this notebook is to promote the use of MagGeo, a data fusion tool we developed at the University of St Andrews with the support of the British Geolo…
**[ UUID ]** 10125da5-c255-4c6b-8fd2-5063edd4a4b5
**[ Session Name ]** Open digital microscopy
**[ Primary Space ]** Open Innovation
**[ Secondary Space ]** Digital Inclusion
**[ Submitter's Name …
To improve the user experience and make the Clarity Vision extension more helpful, we propose integrating a Color Blindness Test into the extension. This will allow users to quickly determine what typ…
Opisać i zadecydować o tym jak będziemy jak wyglądać nasza architektura CNN.
- [ ] różna długość próbek na wejście do CNN - rozwiązania:
a) przycięcie próbek,
b) podział sygnałów próbek na 'pod-p…