Vi skal have vores eget sprog. Vi kalder det BEGGSIC, baseret på en god klassiker; BASIC.
Men vi gør det på dansk!
Vi skal have følgende nøgleord:
* `LAD` - erklær variabel
* `SKRIV` - skri…
Based on what I've been able to find in the [archives of the Befunge mailing list](http://frox25.no-ip.org/~mtve/tmp/bef_maillist_0_520.txt), I think I know the authors of some of the uncredited examp…
I think in this case it makes a little bit of sense xD
Hey, after you pinged me at https://github.com/cwesson/funge-plus-plus/issues/1 I took a look at https://github.com/tjol/rfunge/wiki/Undefined-behaviour-and-known-bugs out of curiosity and had a few t…
This is a suggestion for restructuring the documentation based on the [Divio paradigm](https://documentation.divio.com)
The TOC ends up looking as below
- Introduction
- Quickstart a.k.a. creat…
**Project description**
This is a Ruby program that generates a Rust program that generates a Scala program that generates ...(through 128 languages in total)... REXX program that generates the origi…
If the idea is to create an enhanced version of docco, why not get rid of pygments in favor of something that does not need to be installed, such as prismjs.com
This way users would need one less ste…
If _bef_ is compiled without the CONSOLE define, and you try to debug a program which uses any of the input/output commands, the code won't be interpreted correctly. It's not just that the I/O command…
I've notices that many of the Hello World programs don't run or aren't of high quality code, so I've created a list of languages that can check the boxes when the language is either fixed or checked.
List of languages. Pick one you like and open a PR. Make sure you've read [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/knightking100/hello-worlds/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-contribute)
You can also…