19:15 pm · 2020年3月27日 GMT+8
11:17 am GMT+0 54 12: 11 11:17
I was curious about the day-by-day situation of covid in my country so i wrote a simple python script that using this repo make a multi-bar graph. For every day there are 3 bars: blue for new …
This page:
The spacing of the list items is messed up in IE. I know... who uses IE right? Well unfortunat…
This file used to contain data on cases per health region in ontario.
It seems to have moved, or potentially be go…
Submitting Author:
- Cuthbert Chow (@cuthchow)
- Tianwei Wang (@Davidwang11)
- Siqi Tao (@SiqiTao)
- Jessie Wong (@jessie14)
Package Name: CovidTrackerR
One-Line Description of Package: Covid…
Below are the list of sources (outside of the US) that we are currently aware of. If you know a source that is not on this list, please file an [issue](https://github.com/covidatlas/coronadatascraper/…
- [ ] Corona Data Scrapper https://coronadatascraper.com/#home
- [x] JHU data in proper format https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19
- [x] Data from https://covidtracking.com/
- [ ] Sweden htt…
The CDC publishes data relating to COVID prevalence in wastewater:
This seems like it might lead to a much better way to estimat…
Q: “should kids wear masks”
A: “I can tell you more about: Should travelers wear facemasks or coverings? In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, CDC recommends that everyone wear a cloth face coveri…
Do this, for example