I'm trying to make the web interface work but I can't figure out which versions of Flask, Flask-SqlAlchemy etc. should I use. Are there any requirements.txt or description of module versions?
On each next page, the text in the first line in tag 'div' with class 'right-text' disappears.
$dompdf = new Dompdf();
$dompdf->setPaper([0, 0, 164.41, 841.89]);…
.. for this user story its fine to just mock out the graphql back end
Now that we're pulling API data directly from the [Notion Tag/Feature Hierarchy Doc](https://www.notion.so/Tag-hierarchy-Features-db9799312efa4f88851e8d49393bbb16), the formatting and copy need to be …
Smartmarketx.io minipay platform project on Celo.
Пробовали различные эксперименты, но виджет все время застрявает на инициализации и кладет фронт на время.
Пример https://fizzymarket.com в корзине.
Да в целом и у вас на виджете тоже можно это …
### User story
As a member I can send credit and associated acknowledgement so that I can pay it forward and be part of the new economy
Dans la documentation ( https://tibillet.org/fr/docs/install/docker_install/#lespass--multi-tenant-engine-for-membership-ticketing-and-online-cashless-refill ), le fichier ".env" doit être peuplé par …
Per @jwu910 comments on #17 we need a CONTRIBUTING.md.. I agree. But at the moment not sure what would go on it.
Maybe we can create this over time @DAHuerta ?
Health Insurance is a person’s best friend which can support you in times of an emergency but there are risks involved that can affect your experience in the most adverse way. So, what can a person do…