I added some setters to combine several results in one report.
In CFLintResult.java add:
public void setIssues(Map bugsList){
BugList bugs = cflint.getBugs();
I'm getting this false positive using CFLint 1.4.0.
public boolean function getAPIVersion(
required numeric requestedAPIVersion
) cachedwithin=createTimeSpan(1,0,0,0) {
return (variab…
I am having serious performance issues using CFLint in Sublime Text 3 (SublimeLinter integration). I have to set CFLint to execute manually, and when I do, in some files, it absolutely crushes my CPU …
public boolean function getAPIVersion(
required numeric requestedAPIVersion
) cachedwithin=createTimeSpan(1,0,0,0) {
return (variables.availableAPIVersions.find(arguments.requestedAPIVersion…
I'm using Code 1.40.2 and `CFLint for Visual Studio Code` in version 0.3.4.
I'm surprised by the fact that the `Problems` view is empty all the time.
I look into the console and see some errors rela…
VSCode is picking up adoption in the CFML community and I'm already seeing packages for frameworks like ColdBox MVC, TestBox BDD. and CFLint. What would it take to get support for running CFML from t…
Running CFLint for the first time, I was getting a null pointer exception on one of my files. I managed to distill it down to this repro case:
component {
function f() {
return !C::b
No idea why you need the 'rc' on the config file name, but wondering since you've made that unusual design decisions if you could also allow .cflint to be used for config file as that makes more sense…
ERROR Error consuming line XML configurations will be removed in the next release. Convert cflint-config.xml to json.
var genericData = request.newObj('dataloader').getData(redacted);
return QueryExecute("
select redacted, genericData.*
from redacted, genericData
where redacte…